Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 9AM-5PM, EST.
We respond to urgent messages as quickly as possible during our regular office hours. Inquiries will be handled in the order we receive them. We normally aim to reply to all messages within one business day.
Please note the our office will be closed on all holidays; we will respond within one business day after we return.
For Custom Program inquiries, please fill out our information request form.
For all other inquiries, please submit the Contact Us form below.
Please refrain from reaching out to us multiple times within a 24-hour timeframe with the same question, as this may result in delays in our response while we manage the influx of duplicate messages.
Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 9AM-5PM, EST.
We respond to urgent messages as quickly as possible during our regular office hours. Inquiries will be handled in the order we receive them. We normally aim to reply to all messages within one business day.
Please note the our office will be closed on all holidays; we will respond within one business day after we return.
For Custom Program inquiries, please fill out our information request form.
For all other inquiries, please submit the Contact Us form below.
Please refrain from reaching out to us multiple times within a 24-hour timeframe with the same question, as this may result in delays in our response while we manage the influx of duplicate messages.
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FINTEI Institute
Tel: 302-281-5501 Ext. 1
Fax: 302-281-5501
Website: fintei.org
E-mail: edu@fintei-institute.org
FINTEI Fellows Program
Tel: 302-281-5501 Ext. 4
Fax: 302-281-5501
Website: fellows.fintei.org
E-mail: fellows@fintei-institute.org