At FINTEI, we place significant emphasis on academic integrity and are deeply committed to upholding it. We actively monitor participant work to ensure fairness and honesty. We want to make it clear that any form of cheating or dishonest practices, including plagiarism, sharing answers, or improper collaboration on assignments, is strictly prohibited.
If we discover any violations of the honor code, we will take appropriate action. This may include assigning a failing grade for the assignment, denying a course or program certificate, revoking a FINTEI certificate, and/or barring the participant from enrolling in future FINTEI courses.
We encourage all learners to approach their studies with integrity, respect for others' work, and a personal commitment to learning. By maintaining a high standard of academic honesty, we cultivate an environment that fosters genuine learning and professional growth.
FINTEI places a strong emphasis on academic integrity and expects all submitted work to be an authentic reflection of individual effort and originality. Engaging in dishonest practices, including cheating, plagiarism, answer sharing, or improper collaboration on assignments, is strictly prohibited. Additionally, the use of Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Claude AI, to complete assignments is not allowed.
The teaching team closely monitors participant work and has the authority to take appropriate actions in the event of violations. These actions may involve assigning a failing grade for the assignment, withholding course or program certificates, revoking FINTEI certificates, and potentially barring participants from enrolling in future FINTEI courses. It is strongly recommended that all participants uphold the principles of academic honesty and integrity throughout their FINTEI journey.